Whether you want minimalist floating shelves or you’re going for vintage charm, our selection of shelves, shelf fixtures and accessories has got you covered. Maximise garage space with industrial freestanding shelving units or racking, or turn your home office into an organised, clutter free zone with durable shelves.

Our how-to guide
Our easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide takes you through the steps to put up a bracketed shelf. It also has everything you need to do the project, from tools and materials to any safety equipment.
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Hacks to make putting up a shelf easy
Putting up a shelf isn’t the most difficult of DIY tasks, but it still comes with its issues. Luckily, we’ve come up with a few top tips to help make it an even simpler task.
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What do I need to put up a shelf?
Putting up a shelf is a relatively simple process, but you still need a few tools to help you do it properly. For a complete beginner, venturing into the world of DIY tools and accessories can be overwhelming, so we’re here to walk you through exactly what you’ll need to get started.
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Where do I start putting up a shelf?
While it may seem like a small task in the vast expanse of DIY projects, many of us procrastinate when it comes to putting up a shelf. There are so many different wall types, fixings, and shelves available that a DIY novice can get easily overwhelmed.
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How to style your shelf
Shelves are often meant for function above all else, but that doesn’t mean they have to look messy. We’ve got some top tips for making your shelves really look the part, whether you’re using them for storage, aesthetics, or both!
Read our guideUseful content
We have lots of guides that can help you find the right type of shelving for you. Read more below.

How to build a ladder shelving unit
Ladder shelving is a great choice if you’re looking for a fun and quirky storage solution.
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Putting alcoves to good use
A beautiful, contemporary addition to any room, alcove shelving can easily be customised with different colours, finishes, and decorations.
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