Doors & Windows
We have a huge range of Doors & Windows, with numerous styles and sizes to choose from. Internal door types include softwood, hardwood, glazed and moulded, as well as fire doors for safety and peace of mind. Our windows range now include A Rated uPVC windows and a vast range of VELUX roof windows.
Doors & Windows Ideas & Advice

How to hang an internal door
Hanging a new door in your home is an achievable DIY task. With instructions on preparing your door for hanging, trimming your door to size, hinge placement and finding the perfect door placement, this guide will help you through the whole project.
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How to fix door problems
Doors are heavy-use household items so problems are bound to arise over time. Luckily, these can be easy to fix where this step-by-step guide will help you through fixing loose hinges, easing sticking doors, packing hinges and moving doorstops.
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